Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Personality Theories

As promised, here are some links that you may want to check out related to personality theories and online personality tests. I want to caution you about the validity of the online tests--be careful when interpreting the results. Proceed with caution.

This link is contains links to all aspects to studying personality theories

This contains information about and a link to a Jung-based personality test

the BBC has a collection of a variety of different kinds of tests including personality tests

The Freud Museum in London

contains a variety of different kinds of online tests

A giant list of online personality tests--be careful, you could spend a lot of time on these links

Links to all things personality theory-based--an incredible resource


Anonymous said...

for the test on wednesday i think.... do we need to know about defense mechanisms because the sub gave us a handout on it but defense mechanisms start in the next chapter??? so does that mena we need read the nezt chapter or is it just on chapter fourteen??

Chuck Schallhorn said...

Defense mechanisms are not in the personality chapter??? If not, then ignore them--my poor memory--they have been in the past and I slipped into old habits.



Anonymous said...

i was a little confused on defense mechanisms. do you think we can review humanistic theory as well?
thank youu!

Anonymous said...

can u just not give us the test?? please mr. schallhorn!!!!!!! =]

Chuck Schallhorn said...

The tests are scheduled--please make plans accordingly. Sorry.