Thursday, April 23, 2009

AP Review Options

Good Day Everyone! You've got several options for reviewing for your AP test.
First is your review assignment--work on that

  1. Read/re-read your textbook
  2. Come to class every block and work on FRQs with us
  3. Go over your previous exams and quizzes you've received back
  4. Use the questions/review documents in your workbook
  5. Use the review readings and practice quizzes and tests in your review books (Barron's or Princeton)
  6. Use the review materials by your classmates (once they are done and online)
  7. Use the Sparknotes review site:
  8. Use the text online resources: Coon and Mitter Online Resources to Use for Review
  9. Use the Glossary of Terms from Psychology Matters
  10. If you like using videos for part of your review, please see this site:
  11. Come to the Saturday and Sunday review sessions to examine and discuss concepts from the course
  12. Some excellent review sites that will help you if you use them correctly. --search for ap psychology terms
  13. Go to the ETS site for taking the GRE exam--download their .pdf file with over 200 review questions--

Sunday, April 19, 2009

New AP Review Site--excellent

Sparknotes has a nice free AP review site. You need to register, but once you do you can take a diagnostic AP exam to identify strengths and weaknesses.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

How to Review for the AP Psych Exam

How to Review for the AP Psych Exam

Coon and Mitter Online Resources to Use for Review
Spanish Glossary

Glossary of Terms from Psychology Matters

  1. The first step will be organization--gather all you old exams and review the ideas contained within

  2. Take time each day (including weekend and spring break days) to review/re-study material

  3. Begin with the oldest material first--re-examine that to refresh your memory of the ideas we've convered already

  4. Once you've refreshed your memories, which topics gave you the most difficulty? Begin the formal review there first

  5. Create a coverage chart to make sure you deal with everything over the course of the next month

  6. Create a time to study AP Psych each day--whether working on the practice FRQs, going over class materials or old quizzes and exams, creating vocab cards, studying vocab cards, doing online practice quizzes from text, using the study book from your text; or some other form of study

  7. When going over practice tests and online testing, identify what material you need work on--go back and relearn that material

  8. Review the key studies mentioned in the review guide (see handout)
  9. Follow the instructions about how to read and write an FRQ (see handout)

See your review book for additional recommendations

If you like using videos for part of your review, please see this site:

Friday, April 3, 2009

AP Weekend Review for 4/4 and 4/5

Saturday 4/4--9 am beginning to go over and correct the 1994 released exam and the 2005 FRQ on perception, cogition and conclusions. We will work until noon or until everyone has satisfied his/her thirst for knowledge.

Sunday 4/5--4 to 7 pm. Same situation and deal as Saturday morning.

Motivation Review Guides from Class