Sunday, August 31, 2008

Podcasts--some recommendations

If you like psychology and there are more ideas that you want to learn about in greater depth, go to:

Michael Britt does a great job of exploring psychological ideas that go beyond what we have time for during our classes. You can also find him on iTunes.


Anonymous said...

How long are most of his podcasts?

Anonymous said...

i want to better understand correlation graphs and how psychologist use them
- zach davis

Chuck Schallhorn said...

Hi Podcasts vary from a few minutes to an hour--you can download only the ones that you are interested in--this is strictly a "if you're interested" kind of thing.

Unknown said...

OMFG!! Mr. Schallhorn!!
duuuude ok
sooo i looked up this Michael Britt dude and his podcast and im listening to him right now and he brought up this study on personal space and dudes going pee in the bathroom right?
So this kinda got me thinking cuz he was saying how the subjects were unkownignly being tested and i had 2 reactions.
1. eewwww!!! how creepy!
2. I fergot how personal space can b such an importnat issue!!!

What i thot was funny was that bathrooms are particularly bias with women and dudes. So like the guys bathroom will have like 5 urinals next together with a couple of stalls right? The womens bathroom however, is like suuuuper protective over personal space right? We got the nice fancy little stalls, they are usually fairly far apart, there will be seperate little sinks for each girl to like wash their hands and stuff...but its funny b cuz like seriously women are hella open to each other. We dont mind giving you a pad/tampon if ur on ur period, and i think i noticed sumthing. Girls are like suuuper way more open to interactions than men....or so it seems.

In social situations it seems like girls are more open and interact more with eachother than the guys who are just sitting there all layed back and stuff.
Is this a biological thing? Are chiks just designed to b more open about stuff than guys?

yeah.....i come up with random junk like this. I loveee Psych!!!